Kenya demands GM food labels

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Kenya demands GM food labels

Kenya's Ministry of Health has called on the food industry to label genetically modified (GM) food, but no traders have yet come forward to comply with government regulations, newspaper the Nairobi Star reported.

Health Minister Beth Mugo told the newspaper the Food, Drugs and Chemical Substances Act required all products with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be tested and labelled to help consumers make informed choices, the story reported.

Kenyan Health Minister Beth Mugo

"Studies have shown that consumption of GMO food products, while some may be completely safe, can also under some circumstances cause allergies. Toxicity and nutritional changes in GMO foods must also be keenly monitored," Mugo was quoted as saying.

"Any nutritional change associated with the genetic modification must also be fully disclosed and associated risks fully addressed.

"The information must be factual, accurate and clearly intended to enlighten consumers; it must not mislead or deceive."

But while the Kenyan Government has made demands, the African country lacks the 'adequate equipment' and human resources needed to test GMO food for toxicity, the story reported.

Chief public health officer Kepha Ombacho confirmed no traders had approached the ministry looking for import permits relating to GM food.

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