Mexican lime exports to overcome HLB threat

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Mexican lime exports to overcome HLB threat

A leading figure in the Mexican packing industry has said citrus greening disease Huanglongbing (HLB) should not affect Persian lime exports to Europe and Japan, website reported.

Engineer Javier Hernández said the presence of the pest is not new and doesn't pose a problem for exporters, as long as they comply with phytosanitary requirements and quality standards.

"Washing, waxing and gaining federal and state agency certificates ensuring the produce is free from HLB means it shouldn't be a concern," he was quoted as saying.

Although he admitted authorities had stepped up checks in the San Román area in the northern part of Veracruz.

"This measure is a bonus to those of us who are already taking these steps as this is something we have to do to pass fruit quality standards for export," he added.

Related stories: Mexican region on red alert with HLB citrus test

Mexico: HLB won´t be erradicated, say authorities

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