Two new black grapes released in Brazil

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Two new black grapes released in Brazil

A Brazilian institute will launch two new black grapes with desirable characteristics for fresh fruit and processed juicing.

BRS Vitória. Photo: João Dimas Garcia Maia

The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) has developed the seedless grape BRS Vitória for its tolerance to vine mildew, with a slight touch of raspberry in its flavor.

The Vitória variety has been trialed in Sao Paulo, Paraná, Minas Gerais and in the sub-valley of San Francisco, with a high productivity and brix above 19°.

EMBRAPA has also developed the juicing grape BRS Magna, noted for its adaptability to weather conditions, producing in temperate zones like Serra Gaúcha as well as humid tropical areas like Mato Grosso or Jales, northeast of Sao Paulo.

The Magna's production cycle is medium-early, allowing for harvesting in tropical areas. Like the Vitória it also has a taste with a touch of raspberry, as well as an intense violet color and a high sugar content of 17-19° brix.

The commercialization of both varieties will begin in July, 2013, and will be undertaken by Embrapa Products and Markets.

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