Colombia steps up fight against contraband produce

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Colombia steps up fight against contraband produce

Colombia's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development has increased efforts to counter the smuggling of produce in the country, which he says is the 'the worst pest' in the industry. avocado close-up

Iragorri Aurelio Valencia recently made an impassioned plea to all Colombians to report cases or suspicions of smuggling, and announced the ministry had set up an easy-to-remember phone number that anyone could call from all mobile operators to report the crimes.

"With this tool, we want to ensure that citizens have information about contraband agricultural produce and agricultural supplies," Valencia said.

"This secure line can be used to inform the authorities, with a guarantee that your identity will not be revealed since all calls are anonymous and the information is confidential."

The Agricultural Minister said these systems were part of a joint project with the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (DIAN) and the Fiscal and Customs Police (Polfa) to strengthen the fight against smuggling, which is being used by criminals for money laundering.

The official added that so far this year, and thanks to the interagency work, Polfa had carried out more than 2,700 raids and operations in the fight against contraband produce.

Valencia also explained that smuggling agricultural goods put the country's phytosanitary advances at risk, since pests and diseases were free to travel without inspections or regulations.


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