Harvest Trends week 15 -- 2013

Harvest situation in the Southern Hemisphere, week 15, 2013


Citrus harvests in the country's north slowed down due to the effects of rains in recent weeks. Good activity was seen for Pink Lady apple harvests with good quality and color.


Lower Fuji apple volumes were seen with smaller sizes.


There were still no citrus fruits for export. Strikes did not affect apples with 60% of the Fuji variety now harvested and in good conditions.


The harvest of late Satsumas continued in the country's northern region.

South Africa

Hail affected apple harvests and Granny Smith was the most affected variety.


All citrus harvesting stopped in the Salto region due to rain. Harvests began for some Clementines and Navelina oranges.

iQonsulting/edited by www.freshfruitportal