Most of Chile's blueberry growers switch to pint package

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Most of Chile's blueberry growers switch to pint package

Higher-than-expected volumes in Chile’s central growing region have the majority of the nation's growers packaging pints as the harvest moves into its peak phase, the Chilean Blueberry Association said in a statement.

The harvest yielded over 3,000 tons of exported fruit in week 48, 14% more than originally expected, the statement said.

The O'Neal and Duke varieties have registered high volumes in Chile’s VII and VIII regions and are responsible for the increase in harvest projections, while northern growing areas are set to end the harvest  this week, with some picking in limited areas of Region V through week 52.

Picking near the capital of Santiago is also in full swing, producing mostly O’Neal and Duke varieties, with the later likely to wrap up next week. The Brigitta variety is also seeing the first rounds of harvest as well. Most packages are in the pint format instead of 6 ounces, a trend that the Committee expects to continue.

In the southern growing regions, the harvest is expected to start during week 52 with the Duke variety.  This region has experienced more unstable weather, a factor that is largely responsible for the delay in harvest.

Source: Chilean Blueberry Committee/edited by:

Related news: Chile's blueberry harvest hits peak ahead of schedule

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