Brazil's fertilizer production on the rise

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Brazil's fertilizer production on the rise

Brazil has recorded a 5.6% year-on-year increase in fertilizer production between January and June in 2011, website reported.

Figures released by the National Fertilizer Promotion Association (Anda), show the South American country produced 4.5 million metric tons (MT) of fertilizer during the period.

Meanwhile the industry also increased availability for consumers, with fertilizer-trading companies increasing purchases by 29.5% to 11.2 million MT, the story reported.

Pesticide sales grew 5% during the period, which was largely driven by cotton, sugar and wheat farmers.

National Plant Protection Association of Brazil (Andef) executive director Eduardo Daher, told the website pesticide sales were high as the country has two harvests per year, in addition to the increased threat of pests in tropical regions.

Photo: Info Agro

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