Chile: fruit fly detection will not impact exports

The Chilean Ministry of Agriculture (SAG) assured the public on Monday, Jan. 7 that the detection of 11 fruit flies would not shut down fruit exports out of the Port of Valparaíso.
The presense of the pest in the city of Valparaíso sent a scare over the weekend, prompting a 7.2-kilometer (4.5-mile) control area around the capture point and collection of all fruit on patios in the area.
Minister of Agriculture Luis Mayol explained that the detection of the fly is perfectly normal given the high level of trade conducted in Chile and said the situation was under control.
"The detection in question is being processed, treated and controlled by SAG in accordance with existing norms, procedures and international protocols to which Chile adheres and permits us to continue to be a country free of the fruit fly," Mayol said in a media statement.
National SAG Director Aníbal Ariztía said that ships being rerouted to San Antonio came from completely autonomous decisions by shippers and exporters.