Organic Alliance sends year's first Mexican mangoes to U.S. market

The U.S. market can soon expect the year's first arrival of organic Mexico mangoes from Organic Alliance, Inc.  The company announced Monday that its first container of organic Tommy Atkins and Ataulfo mangoes have already left for U.S. shores.
The fresh produce grower and marketer received certification on its leased mango orchards in February and is currently working on fair trade certification for its mango sites.
"We are excited about this shipment, which demonstrates to the marketplace that we have greater control of mango supply and quality through our company-owned infrastructure," CEO Parker Booth said in a media statement.
"We are now in a position to work hands-on during pre-harvest and control the flow from the field to the packinghouse of our company-owned product."
The company expects to bring in $1.8 million in revenue from the project and to ship 1,200 metric tons of organic mangoes between February and September.