Costa Rica finds space in U.S. market for bell peppers, tomatoes

Costa Rica successfully completed its first year of bell pepper and ripe tomato exports to the U.S. in 2012, with a total of 142,700 boxes.
Bell peppers accounted for the bulk of volumes at 141,000 boxes, generating revenues of US$690,000 since the first shipment on Mar. 15 until the end of 2012, according to figures from Costa Rica's State Phytosanitary Service (SFE).
Meanwhile, 1,600 boxes of tomatoes were shipped to the North American country, bringing in revenues of US$24,500.
One of the export requirements was that the crops be produced under greenhouse conditions in a closed structure, covered with clear plastic or polypropylene mesh.
"Working in these conditions allows growers to pass from extensive production to intensive production, as they can control factors like temperature, relative humidity and crop health, among others," SFE head of phytosanitary certification Gina Monteverde said in a release.