Season kicks off for Spanish "Cherries Glamour"

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Season kicks off for Spanish "Cherries Glamour"

A new season has started for the Spanish production of "Cherries Glamour" grown in the province of Lérida. Greenhouse grown, these cherries have a unique exclusivity of being grown from Mar.15 to Apr. 25 in a lucrative market window. S.A.T EDOA is the company behind the brand, and its commercial director Oscar Ortiz speaks with about the fruit's traits and market potential. Caja Cherries Glamour 1,5 kgrs. 2 _ panorama

Following production of 68 metric tons (MT) last season, Ortiz expects to produce 70-75MT from the company's 50,000 square meters (538,195 square feet) of greenhouses this year.

He says the main variety produced is Brooks, followed by Prime Giant.

The production period of the fruit is characterized by low temperatures. Ortiz says that cultivation has to compete with outside weather for the whole season, but after many years of heating system research, the business has found the perfect climate inside the greenhouse for ripening development with the right brix levels, firmness and quality.

He says "Cherries Glamour" have an intense flavor with sugar levels between 17-20 brix, a dark red color with a crispy texture and great firmness.

"The great feature it has is global seasonal exclusivity. The whole world knows they are the only one produced in that moment," Ortiz says.

"We are always looking for the space between the two hemispheres."

This year, in addition to consolidating traditional markets of Russia, Dubai, Qatar, England, Italy, France, Singapore and Spain, the brand of cherries will be sold in Canada and Kuwait.

After two years of trying to enter the Canadian market, S.A.T. EDOA signed an agreement with the retailer Loblaws to have product exclusivity in all its stores in the North American country.

"We are currently working with the Dubai and Qatar. We are expanding our business area to countries with a high purchasing power that naturally interests us," he says.


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