Market Pulse Week 31 - 2013

Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 31 – 2013 (August 2)
In North America, local Gala movement increased in the U.S.
In Latin America, suitable sales were seen for Royal Gala and Red Delicious apples in Colombia. Varying quality led to difficulties for Granny Smith apples in Brazil with moderate sales.
In Europe, the market was stable with prices unchanged. Active sales were observed in the U.K., while sales were difficult for red varieties in Russia as the market was under pressure.
In Asia, a low supply of imported apples was noted.
In North America, great movement was seen for Californian avocados.
In Europe, there was still a high level of Hass supply and a good level of consumption that has enabled price stability. Low supply was seen for greenskin varieties with rising prices. In the U.K., promotions were observed at the retail level.
In North America, the U.S. market was served by local citrus.
In Europe, foreign supply was in transition. Argentine Satsumas began with timid sales. In the U.K., sales were reported for Argentine Satsumas but there was not yet enough volume to establish a market. In Russia, some Argentine Satsuma sales were recorded.
In Asia, U.S. supply dominated the market, mostly with Navel and Valencia oranges.
In North America, Chilean supply had a downward trend in the U.S. and prices were slightly higher.
In Latin America, slow movement was reported in Colombia and Brazil.
In Europe, the market was strong with a steady price trend. In Russia, sales activity was slow due to competition with seasonal fruit, with prices unchanged.
In Asia, a low volume of Chilean Hayward kiwifruit was registered.
In North America, strong activity was seen for Californian pears, with the beginnings of a declining supply in imported product.
In Latin America, agile sales were registered for Packham's pears in good condition in Colombia, while the Brazilian market was moderate.
In Europe, there was a low participation from Southern Hemisphere fruit, with South African Forelle pears as the main player. Adequate sales were seen for end of season overseas supply. In the U.K., a greater presence of Southern Hemisphere varieties was noted but volumes were still low.
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