South Africa: Farmworkers' minimum wages set for a boost

The South African government's Department of Labour last week announced an upward adjustment to the minimum wage of farmworkers with effect from March 1.
The the adjustment will mean farmworkers will earn a minimum monthly wage of R2606.78 (US$226), up from R2420.41 (US$210) in 2014/15.
The daily wage will also increase to R120.32 (US$10.50) from R111.72 (US$9.70), while the weekly wage will see a boost to R601.61 (US$52) from R558.60 (US$49).
According to the Labour Department, the new sectoral wage level is applicable until Feb. 29, 2016.
Website reported the department said the sectoral determination broadly dealt 'with the protection of workers involved in farm activities'.
“The determination regulates minimum working hours, minimum wages, number of leave days and termination rules,” the department was quoted as saying.