Chilean govt declares agricultural emergency after Villarica Volcano eruption

While the Villarica Volcano has "calmed down" since its eruption this morning, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has declared a state of agricultural emergency in the event's wake, newspaper El Mercurio reported.

Photo: Ashleigh Van Metre, via Twitter
The story reported Bachelet made the decision due to the effect the eruption may have had on fields and livestock.
She told reporters the measure would allow the region to have more resources and support for farmers.
However, a blueberry grower in the region says the eruption has had little impact on the fruit industry so far although melted snow has the potential to lead to flooding in some areas.
Patricio Rebolledo of Patagonia Food tells the majority of the season's production is finished anyway, with only a small amount of fruit remaining for harvest.
"Until now it's had no effect on our fruit, neither in the form of ash or any type of event," he says.
"The only issue is that today there isn't work for the farmworkers because they can't move around the area. The police aren't letting people move from Freire to Villarica, or from Villarica to Pucon.
"We have to wait and see what happens with the melted snow, whether it flows into streams in the area and causes some floods. But it hasn't rained for three months here so there's not that much snow in general."
Aside from his own orchard, Rebolledo says he hasn't heard of any other growers being affected by the event.
The last time the Villarica Volcano had a major eruption was in 1985.

The Villarica Volcano today. Photo: Patricio Rebolledo.