Costa Rica blocks avocado imports from numerous origins

Amid concerns over the potential entry of avocado sunblotch into the country, Costa Rica has banned imports of the fruit from eight major supplying countries and one region.Â
The Costa Rican Phytosanitary Service (SFE) said the disease, which is caused by the avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBVd), could have a devastating impact if it were allowed into the country.
The origins affected are: Australia, Spain, Ghana, Guatemala, Israel, Mexico, South Africa, Venezuela, and the U.S. state of Florida.
Sunblotch affects many different avocado varieties, with the affected trees producing less and lower quality fruit.
The disease can be asymptomatic, and so its early detection is essential to stop the spread and implement control measures.
Costa Rica has approximately 2000 hectares of avocado plantations, producing the same number of metric tons (MT) of fruit.
SFE director Francisco Dall'Anese said the organization was in talks with national avocado importers along with exporters from the listed origins to coordinate visits and establish trade alternatives that would guarantee phytosanitary security.