Australia overhauls biosecurity system

The Australian Government is on track to implementing the biggest changes to the country's quarantine system in over a century, after the Senate passed the Biosecurity Bill 2014.
Minister for Agriculture Barnaby Joyce said the bill would manage biosecurity risks in a modern and flexible way.
"The biosecurity system underpins and protects Australia's [AUD]$52 billion [US$41 billion] agricultural industries, safeguarding our people and our unique environment," Joyce said in a release.
"The new legislation is an important part of deciding on the future of Australia’s biosecurity system. It will protect our vital agricultural industries and underpin the capacity for our nation to produce and export the highest quality, clean and sustainably produced soft commodities to the world."
He highlighted the bill replaced the 107-year-old Quarantine Act 1908, which was "written in a completely different world" when today's trade pathways were not even conceived.
"This reform is well and truly overdue given that the existing Quarantine Act 1908 has been amended more than 50 times over the years," he said.
"I would like to thank Senators from all sides of the chamber and key industry stakeholders for their scrutiny of, and contribution to the development of this legislation which has been more than six years in the making.
"I would also like to acknowledge the previous government for its foresight in commencing the development of this legislation and the current Opposition's work on the Inspector-General of Biosecurity."
He said the legislation was updated to reflect the need for the Inspector-General of Biosecurity position to be enshrined in statute.
"The position of the Inspector-General was never under threat in the government's proposed Bill however a statutory position is what was asked for, and that is what we have delivered.
"My department has worked with more than 400 organisations over recent years representing a vast range of sectors to consult on the design and development of this new legislation, which is over 630 pages long, and modernises complex regulatory provisions and administrative practices.
"It is estimated the compliance costs on supply chain and logistics, cargo, ports, customs brokers, importers, peak industry bodies, petroleum/exploration stakeholders and primary producers will be reduced by approximately [AUD]$6.9 million [US$5.6 million] per year because of clearer, easier to use legislation and the improved processes it will enable.
"The Bill will now enter the House of Representatives for debate in the winter sitting of Parliament."
Photo: Wikimedia Commons