Exports down, inventories up for California table grapes

As the California table grape season nears its end, inventories are higher than in the last two years with the majority made up of red seedless varieties.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) 'Western Fruit Report: Grape Cold Storage Summary' for Oct. 31, there were 13.6 million boxes built up in inventory, representing 30% more year-on-year than 2015 and 14% more than in 2014.
This is partly attributed to an increase in volume for the varieties Scarlett Royal, Autumn Royal and Luisco, while red seedless accounted for 57% of the inventory.
In terms of late season white grapes, levels were similar to last year for Autumn King at 3.3 million boxes, while Red Globe and Crimson were down year-on-year.
Market prices were similar year-on-year in week 44 at US$18.65 per 19lb box, while the average price in October was US$18.25, down 2% year-on-year.
Exports were marginally lower for the season through September by 442 metric tons (MT), reaching 70,760MT, which is 13% lower year-on-year compared to 2014.