Five eco-friendly tips for Earth Day

Five eco-friendly tips for Earth Day

While a specific day ought not be needed to celebrate this wonderful planet on which we live, on April 22 Earth Day will be held to raise awareness of environmental and climate literacy. 

Santa Paula, California-based fruit company Limoneira is playing its part to promote the event and foster positive practices for the planet.

The following is a press release courtesy of Limoneira:

April and Earth Day are upon us! At Limoneira, sustainable practices are at the very top of our priorities list. This month Limoneira spokesperson and founder of Healthy Grocery Girl Megan Roosevelt has created a list of her favorite ways to quickly and accessibly cut back on wasteful habits in the home and in the kitchen.

For a demonstration, you can view Megan detail her Earth Day tips here on the Limoneira YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe – videos with more wonderful tips and recipes not detailed in this release will be added to the channel each Friday throughout the month.

Beginning this past January and continuing throughout 2017, Megan will be producing weekly videos that demonstrate fun, easy and healthy tips to make the most out of your year.

Limoneira has also linked with additional global cleaning experts that share their knowledge with the customers of our grocery and food service partners around the world. Their biographies can be found on Limoneira’s website.

Megan’s 2017 Earth Day tips:
1. Don’t discard the stems of your produce. The ends of your veggies can be chopped up and added into soups, stews and sauces.
2. Make sure you’re using all of your citrus fruits. Zesting the peel is a great way to add flavor to every meal.
3. Use reusable shopping bags when you buy groceries. Keeping a stockpile in your car is a surefire way to make sure you don’t forget them at home! (We’ve all been there.)
4. Use more glassware. Unlike disposable plastic containers, glassware can be used over and over again for all kinds of things.
5. Cut down on paper and plastic waste. Switching to reusable cloth towels, facial rounds and snack bags is an easy and great way to cut back on how much paper and plastic you go through – for more information on some brands we love, check out the description box below this month’s video.

But this isn’t all on you! Here are a few ways Limoneira has committed to doing their part to be eco-friendly:
1. Limoneira has 2 solar farms that produce 4 megawatts of electricity.
2. Limoneira’s green waste facility processes an average of 1,000 tons of waste per week.
3. The Limoneira gravity powered water treatment system is a 24,000 sq. ft. project that processes 180,000 gallons of water every single day. The result? California Title 22-grade water is created from what was once considered unusable waste water.
4. Limoneira Misfits are pieces of perfectly good “ugly” fruit that have minor scarring or defects from orchard winds that would otherwise be discarded, but instead are offered to retailers at consumer-friendly prices.

Each month, Megan will be featuring another wonderful facet of citrus living. Subscribe to Limoneira’s Youtube channel for more information on the many ways this endlessly versatile fruit can improve life inside the home and beyond. For more information on Limoneira’s sustainability practices, please visit

Photos: Pexels

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