U.S.: Del Rey California avocado packaging to include ‘Heart-Check' logo

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U.S.: Del Rey California avocado packaging to include ‘Heart-Check' logo

U.S.-based Del Rey Avocado Company has announced all of its California conventional carton products are now part of the American Heart Association Heart-Check Food Certification Program. 

Del Rey is the first company in the industry to display the ‘Heart-Check’ logo on its packaging, effective Feb. 1, 2018. The mark makes it easy to spot heart-healthy foods in the grocery store or when dining out.

Consumers and buyers can simply look for the American Heart Association logo along with their familiar red heart with the white check logo, Del Rey said.

Only products that carry the official American Heart Association Heart-Check logo are certified as heart-healthy foods and meets AHA’s nutrition requirements, it added.

"A diet that includes Del Rey Avocados is a great first step in creating an overall healthy, sensible and tasty eating plan," the company said in a release.

The family-owned business was founded in 1969 and is based in Fallbrook, California.


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