IX Macrorrueda Ecuador

IX Macrorrueda Ecuador

PRO ECUADOR is pleased to invite you to participate in its next virtual event, the Macrorrueda 2021, Fresh Banana edition which will take place from May 17 to 21, 2021.

This event is a virtual business conference, where fresh banana and plantain buyers will be able to meet with Ecuadorian producers in short 25-minute virtual meetings.

The sessions will be held through the Microsoft Teams tool and PRO ECUADOR can assist buyers with registration and scheduling. Buyers will approve the companies they want to meet with.

The schedule is as follows in Ecuadorian time:

07:00 to 12:00 - Buyers from Europe and Eurasia

2:00 to 5:00 - Buyers from America

19:00 to 22:00 - Buyers from Asia

For more information, contact the Commercial Office of Ecuador in London at ocelondres@produccion.gob.ec or visit www.proecuadorb2b.com.ec.

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