Market Pulse Week 27 - 2012
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 27 - 2012 (Jul. 6)
In North America, good trading and price rises were reported in the U.S. for Chilean Gala and Cripps Pink apples.
In Europe, volumes of overseas supply were limited. Slow movement was seen in the Netherlands for Brazilian Galas and Fujis. In the U.K., price rises were seen for Pink Lady apples.
In North America, the U.S. market registered slow sales for all suppliers after the 4th of July celebrations.
In Latin America, price rises were seen in wholesale markets in Santiago de Chile.
In Europe, the U.K. reported an adequate pace for South African Hass, which continues to be the main supplier.
Easy Peelers
In North America, price adjustments were seen in the U.S. due to the increase in Chilean and South African supply.
In Europe, the effects of frosts in Uruguay and Argentina were felt on supply, leading to limited arrivals and high prices on the continent and in the U.K.
In North America, slow movement of Chilean supply continued to be slow while active sales continued for Zespri Green and Gold on both coasts.
In Latin America, positive results from marketing programs encouraged Zespri Green consumption in Brazil.
In Europe, a higher volume from Chile led to price adjustments in the Dutch market, while good movement was seen for imported supply in the U.K.
In Asia, better movement was seen for larger sizes in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
In Europe, some prices adjustments were reported due to increased volumes in continental Europe and in Russia. A favorable price range continued in the U.K.
In Europe, positive trading was reported for all markets while some price rises were seen in Russia.
In Asia, better sales pace was seen for U.S. oranges compared to the South African supply in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
In North America, the Southern Hemisphere season was nearing its end.
In Latin America, slow sales continued in Brazil and Colombia for Argentine and Chilean Packham's pears.
In Europe, the Southern Hemisphere season was nearing its end.
In North America, the last Chilean volumes had moderate sales on the U.S. East Coast.
In Europe, the final lots of small sizes from Peru and Chile registered slow movement in the Dutch market. In the U.K., a limited amount of Peruvian supply at the retail level allowed for adequate sales rates.
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