Market Pulse Week 4 - 2013

Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 4 – 2013 (Jan. 25)


In North America, the Californian season started timidly in the U.S. Mexico continued to dominate the market with an adequate supply level, while Chile maintained its low presence.

In Europe, a low participation was seen for Chilean avocados both on the continent and in the U.K. Spanish and Israeli supply dominated the Hass category, with slow sales for an adequate supply level.


In North America, the U.S. market was stable with greater fruit availability.

In Europe, consumption continued to be influenced by bad weather, causing a slow sales pace.

In Asia, stable blueberry sales were reported in Taiwan and China.


In North America, a good level of activity was reported for re-packaged fruit with good quality in the U.S. cerezas_54968818 small

In Europe, scarce arrivals were observed, mostly working on spot sales.

In Asia, cherries had greater movement compared to other fruit types. The large amount of fruit in China led to price adjustments in that country.


In North America, there was low availability of imported grapes in the U.S. market with high prices.

In Latin America, stability was reported in Colombia while the Brazilian market was slow but with no pressure on sales yet.

In Europe, market pressure due to sensitive whie seedless grapes from South Africa, combined with low temperatures, pushed sales to slow down.

In Asia, sales prior to Chinese New Year showed a slower place than what was expected by importers.


In North America, plums had the best placements within the stonefruit category, which in general was in a higher range compared to last season.

In Europe, the first sales of Chilean fruit were registered with adequate activity.

In Asia, higher movement was noted for Australian supply in China.

In Latin America, stable sales were observed in Colombia, while movement was moderate in Brazil.

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