APEAM: U.S. companies pack nearly half of Mexico's avocado exports

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APEAM: U.S. companies pack nearly half of Mexico's avocado exports

The Avocado Producers and Exporting Packers Association of Mexico (APEAM) has revealed 46% of the country's exports are packed by affiliates of U.S. companies. 

It also said there were around 21,000 growers and more than 40 packing facilities in the Latin American country, according to publication Opportimes.

U.S. avocado consumption have also increased six-fold since Mexico first gained access to the market in 1997, the group added.

"APEAM's records show that 46% of avocado exports from Mexico are packed by subsidiaries of U.S. companies, who have added this volume to their businesses without closing or relocating their operations in the U.S., reinforcing the value of the strong commercial partnership between these two countries," various major avocado companies were quoted as saying in a joint letter to the U.S. Government.

Along with APEAM, the document was signed by the likes of Texas-based Agroexport Avocados and California-based Calavo Growers, Mission Produce, and West Pak Avocado.

The letter went on to say Mexico supplied more than 80% of avocados consumed in the U.S. and that Mexican imports did not damage U.S. growers, but helped them.

"Producers in California have received immeasurable benefits from the sustained growth in demand generated by Mexican avocados," it said

"The average returns of California avocados were US$.0.69 per pound in 1996, rising to US$1.10 in 2016."

Photo: www.shutterstock.com



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