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Organic industry reacts to comparative nutrition study

U.S. and European organic companies assess the many facets of their category and how it relates to a recent study claiming superior nutritional benefits.
July 21 , 2014

U.K. organic health study is misleading and dismisses key facts, experts say

British scientists have questioned why higher antioxidants in organic fruit should equate to public health benefits.
July 21 , 2014

U.S.: Sysco to pay US$19.4M settlement over unrefrigerated food sheds

Foodservice provider Sysco has agreed to pay damages for its prior use of noncompliant drop sites in California.
July 21 , 2014

U.S.: APHIS proposes rule to allow Chinese apple imports

A recent posting on the Federal Register puts China one step closer to gaining access to the U.S. apple market.
July 18 , 2014

South African avocados face stronger Peruvian competition in Europe

An 'oversaturated' U.S. avocado market has led to Peru competing more heavily with South Africa in the EU.
July 18 , 2014

U.S.: Farm Bill funding pays greater attention to organic growers

The USDA has slated a record level of funding for organic certification cost-share assistance.
July 18 , 2014

Chilean grape industry aims to rid country of Lobesia moth

The Chilean Table Grape Committee says a grapewine moth could threaten the whole national fruit industry.
July 18 , 2014

Brazilian apple exports take a dive in 2014

Brazilians have spent a lot more on imported apples this year compared to the prices achieved for exports.
July 18 , 2014

Ambitious Malawi fruit company gains US$15M support package

Malawi Mangoes aims to be the 'leading agro-processing company on the African continent' in five years.
July 18 , 2014

EU approves support for stonefruit growers

Requests for support by various European peach and nectarine growers have been approved by the EU.
July 18 , 2014