Market Pulse Week 21 - 2013

Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 21 – 2013 (May 24)


In North America, the U.S. had an active market for imported fruit.manzanas-verdes_62667682

In Europe, there were agile sales and good prices for Granny Smiths. In the U.K., imported Pink Lady sales began. In Russia, the market was stable.

In Asia, there was an increase in sales activity, which was noted on Chinese markets.

In Latin America, sales and prices were stable in Colombia. In Brazil, there were price increases for Granny Smiths and red varieties.


In North America, the U.S. market continued to have a high supply of Chilean Crimsons, with a slight price adjustment.

In Europe, the Chilean Thompson season was almost over. Meanwhile, the first sales from Egypt were registered. In the U.K., a high level of Indian Thompson grapes were reported on the market. In Russia, prices were stable for Chilean Red Globes.

In Asia, a lot of Chilean Red Globes were seen on the market. Prices were stable.

In Latin America, Colombia's market was steady while prices were variable in Brazil.


In North America, there was low Chilean supply on the U.S. market which allowed price stability.

In Europe, there were firm sales with slight price adjustments. A similar situation was observed in the U.K. In Russia, there were stable sales.

In Asia, there was low Chilean supply, showing both good quality and movement.

In Latin America, the market had good activity in Colombia. In Brazil, sales were moderate, which led to price adjustments.


In North America, the market remained firm.

In Europe, South African Packham’s were ending their season. High volumes of Forelle pears with moderate sales were reported. In the U.K., the market had good activity. In Russia, sales and prices remained unchanged.

In Asia, there were limited volumes of imported pears.

In Latin America, there were agile sales in Colombia and price adjustments in Brazil.

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