Market Pulse Week 33 - 2012
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 33 - 2012 (Aug. 17)
In North America, good movement was seen for Chilean Gala apples in the U.S.
In Latin America, moderate sales were seen in Mexico as the Southern Hemisphere season began to wind down. Increased movement was seen for small-sized Chilean Galas in Colombia.
In Europe, sales slowed for C.Pink aples in the Netherlands, in contrast to sales stability for Chilean and South African Galas in the U.K.
In North America, adequate sales were seen in the U.S. for the 'Flor Loca' Mexican crop.
In Latin America, prices remained stable in Chilean wholesale markets.
In Europe, Spain received higher volumes of Peruvian supply, while arrivals from the same country decreased in the U.K.
Easy peelers
In North America, rot problems were seen with some lots of Chilean and South African Clementines in the U.S.
In the U.K., delays were reported for South African Clementine arrivals.
In North America, a combination of lots in better quality and condition, as well as lower Chilean volumes, led to higher prices in the U.S.
In Latin America, a combination of lots in better quality and condition, as well as lower Chilean volumes, led to higher prices in Mexico. Better quality lots also led to price increases in Colombia.
In Europe, good movement was seen for Chilean supply in the U.K., in contrast to market pressures and price adjustments in Russia.
In Asia, a preference for stonefruit meant there were just adequate sales for Southern Hemisphere supply in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
In North America, Mexican arrivals increased in the U.S. during the week with adequate sales.
In Europe, trade levels remained positive.
In Asia, variable sales were seen for South African supply in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
In North America, active sales for Southern Hemisphere supply set the trend in the U.S.
In Europe, some price adjustments were seen for Argentine Valencias in the Netherlands.
In Asia, better pace was seen for U.S. Valencias compared to their South African counterparts in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
In Latin America, active sales were reported for Chilean Packham's pears in Colombia.
In Europe, slow movement continued for South African Forelle pears in the U.K.
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