Market Pulse Week 6 - 2013

Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 6 – 2013 (Feb. 8)


In North America, sales in the U.S. returned to a normal rhythm after the Super Bowl on Feb. 3. There were price adjustments for the Mexican supply.

In Europe, the market had stable prices and movement. In the U.K., there was a high supply level. Israeli Hass had some quality issues, which hampered movement.


In North America, there were moderate sales and falling prices for the Chilean supply.

In Europe, the market managed to mantain the same price range as the week prior. Moderate sales were affected by sensitive fruit.

In Asia, a low supply level was reported.


In North America, a limited supply of Chilean cherries in the U.S. received adequate sales and stable prices.

In Asia, good sales and movement  were seen before the Chinese New Year. High volumes moved quickly and collapses from previous years did not repeat.

Grapesred and white grapes ffp

In North America, high retail prices caused slow sales.

In Europe, sales were moderate. The first arrivals came from Chile with low volumes.

In Asia, record sales were recorded in Guangzhou for the Chinese New Year.

In Latin America, the Peruvian Red Globe ended the season well with good movement. The first sales were recorded from Chile.


In North America, prices for Chilean fruit varied. Peaches received slow sales and low interest.

In Europe, the market was stable with moderate sales on both the continent and in the U.K. South African availability moved down, with the exception of plums.

In Asia, prices were up during the days before the Chinese New Year. Good business was reported for the Southern Hemisphere supply.

In Latin America, Colombia had appropriate sales, while Brazil showed low interest.

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