Harvest Trends week 6 -- 2011
Harvest situation in the Southern Hemisphere, week 6, 2011
Table Grapes
Argentina recorded rain in the San Juan region, leading to problems with its Imperial variety grape shipments to Europe, with frequent instances of fruit rot and loose skin. After this the country was only harvesting Red Globe variety grapes, mainly bound for Russia and Brazil. In Peru the season was reaching its close, with the final Red Globe harvests expected within two weeks.
Chile registered good climatic conditions, especially in the central zone, with high export expectations and volumes expected to rise 10% over the 2010-11 season. Harvest output fell strongly in the CopiapĆ³ region.
Climatic conditions affected fruit development in South Africa, while the Orange River area was the most affected by rain with a 30% reduction in Seedless variety. It is estimated exports will fall 10%, but a small harvest recovery is expected in the Berg River and Hex River regions.
Source: iQonsulting/www.freshfruitportal.com