Argentina sets up board to push tropical fruit production

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Argentina sets up board to push tropical fruit production

Argentina has launched a national campaign to improve the quality, competitiveness and production of tropical fruit, websiteĀ reported.

The Federal Goverment announced the creation of the National Tropical Fruit Board, which is intended to stimulate pineapple, mango, avocado, bananaĀ and papayaĀ production.

The launch was heldĀ at the fourthĀ international fair ofĀ Argentine fruit in FormosaĀ - FruitsĀ 2011, bringing together producers from the provinces of Salta,Ā Jujuy, Tucuman, Santiago delĀ Estero, Formosa, Chaco, CorrientesĀ and Misiones.

Delegates heard how in the 1980s, 80% of the country's consumption of bananas was supplied by growers in the north of the country, whereas now Argentina relies mainly on Ecuadorian imports.

In 2010, Argentina imported Ā 350,000 metric tons (MT) of bananas worthĀ US$67 million surpassing its coffee and cocoa imports. Ecuador exported US$ 42 million followed by Bolivia (US$13 million) and Brasil (US$8 million).

Formosa's Agricultural Technology Validation Centre (CEDEVA) is exploring the latest genetic technology to increase fruit production, with bananas in particular.

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