California table grape stock up 22% in September 2010

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California table grape stock up 22% in September 2010

The stock of California table grapes totaled 8 million cartons as of September 15, 2010, up 22% compared with the previous year, according to a report from fresh fruit consulting firm iQonsulting. Although the stock has increased since last year, it still comes short of stocks reported in 2008 and 2007 when the stock reached 8.5 million cartons.

This season’s increase is a result of more Red Globe and Crimson, varieties that are still being harvested and that have yielded 1.5 million and 1.2 million cartons, respectively. For other late varieties, such as Autumn King and Sweet Scarlet, an increase in the final volumes is expected despite a current drop in inventory year-over-year due to a delayed California grape season.

In the case of white varieties such as Thompson and Princess, volumes are similar to last season, with a stock of 2.3 million and 500,000 cartons, respectively. However the inventory is still lower than historical averages.

Source: IQonsulting/

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