Market Pulse week 21 — 2011
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 21 — 2011 (May 27)
In North America, interest for imported Royal Gala apples continued on the U.S. East Coast while trading is expected to begin during the first half of June on the West Coast.
In Latin America, U.S. Royal Gala supply put pressure on the Mexican market, leading to price adjustments. Low pressure problems for imported apples were observed in Colombia while Brazil registered a very slow sales pace. The Argentine market was supplied by domestic volumes and remained stable.
In Northern Europe, activity for the imported Gala variety remained slow as European apples were still available. The U.K registered condition problems with Granny Smith apples, mainly due to bitter pits. Good market activity was reported in Russia due to favorable weather and high demand.
In Asia, Southern Hemisphere Royal Gala apples registered healthy sales activity in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, while the Taiwanese market was under pressure from high volumes of Fuji apples from New Zealand and Chile.
In North America, low Californian avocado inventories were registered in the U.S. due to rainfall in the previous week.
In Latin America, imported Hass availability was reported in Argentina, while low volumes led to retail price increases in Chile.
In Northern Europe and the U.K., healthy sales activity was observed for the Hass variety with similar prices to the previous week, while Fuerte variety prices were more stable.
In North America, low Chilean kiwifruit volumes were registered in the U.S., leading to price increases on both the East and West Coasts. The first New Zealand lots were traded as well.
In Latin America, good sales pace and upward prices were reported for Chilean kiwifruit in Mexico, while Brazilian and Colombian markets recorded price falls for imported kiwifruit due to high volumes. In Argentina local prices were lower than for imported kiwifruit.
Northern Europe's market was stable with healthy sales activity and fruit in good condition. Unfavorable weather conditions in the U.K. led to lower demand while low availability caused slight price adjustments in Russia.
In Asia, New Zealand kiwifruit was dominant in the region's main markets while Chilean arrivals progressively rose. Price adjustments were registered in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland for Hayward variety kiwifruit, while sales pace was lower in Japan for both New Zealand and Chilean fruit.
In North America, Chilean clementine supply was too small to establish a U.S. market.
In Northern Europe and the U.K. there were reports of slow market activity due to accumulated stocks in previous days and competition with summer fruit. Quality problems were reported with Argentine Satsumas and Uruguayan clementines, leading to lower consumption in Russia.
In Asia, healthy sales activity was reported for Australian and South African nova mandarins in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. U.S. supply was available in Japan, registering low sales pace.
In North America, Argentine Packham's T pears were still dominant with healthy sales activity in the U.S., but low seller interest led to slower market activity for the D'Anjou variety.
In Latin America, most markets were stable but Mexican sales were under pressure, leading to price falls. Brazil was supplied mainly by Argentine Williams pears while Chilean and domestic Packham's T pears were dominant in Colombia.
In Northern Europe and the U.K., the market was put under pressure by European Conference variety supply. High stocks continued in Italy as the domestic season lasted longer than usual, making it difficult to establish a market for Southern Hemisphere supply. Italian Abate Fetel were still available, while healthy market activity continued in Russia, where importers however were cautious of competition with summer fruit.
In North America, Southern Hemisphere supply was almost exclusively Chilean in the U.S., registering low availability with consumers not used to the fruit during this time of year.
In Europe and Asia, the Indian season was nearing its end while the Chilean and South African volumes were expected to reach these markets soon.
The Middle East was supplied by domestic volumes.
Table Grapes
In North America, the Southern Hemisphere grape season was almost over with limited Crimson Seedless and Red Globe availability in the U.S.
In Latin America, inventories were expected to be cleared in Mexico while condition problems were reported for imported grapes in Colombia. Lower consumption led to grape price adjustments in Brazil, while the Argentine market was stable and supplied by scarce domestic volumes.
In Europe, a trend of poor fruit condition was observed for the last stage of the Chilean white seedless grape season, while the first Egyptian lots were traded. A higher proportion of condition problems were registered for the Red Globe variety, putting pressure on markets on the continent and in Russia. Sales activity for Crimson Seedless was more stable.
In Asia, price adjustments were registered for Chilean Red Globe grapes in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese mainland. The variety's condition problems and competition with local fruit led to lower sales activity.
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