Market Pulse Week 47 - 2011
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 47— 2011 (Nov. 25)
In North America, there was moderate trading as a result of Thanksgiving Day.
In Latin America, there has been limited imported Hass availability.
In Europe, high Israeli Ettinger volumes have pressurized the market.
In North America, trading was affected by Thanksgiving Day, however prices remained stable.
In Europe, markets experienced fair sales prices for blueberries, while prices rose for Argentine supply.
In Asia, the first Chilean blueberries sales were registered in Hong Kong and mainland China, with good activity that favored inventory rotation.
In North America, strong price adjustments were registered for cherry imports.
In Latin America, rainfall continued to discourage consumption in the Brazilian market.
In Northern Europe, stable activity was recorded.
In Asia, fair fruit quality led to a good sales pace.
In North America, retailers were moving to imported white seedless grape varieties on the U.S. East Coast.
In Latin America, Peruvian Red Globe showed good sales activity in Colombia. Favorable activity was recorded for domestic supply in Brazil.
In Europe, Brazilian grapes registered moderate sales prices which were sufficient to achieve good fruit rotation.
In North America, the first Southern Hemisphere arrivals were registered.
In Europe, peach and nectarine availability remained limited in Northern Europe. In the U.K., condition problems were reported for South African imports.