Market Pulse Week 26 - 2012
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 26 - 2012 (Jun. 29)
In North America, the U.S. continued to have low volumes of Chilean Galas, leading to stable market pace. Granny Smith sales were still complicated.
In Europe, the Southern Hemisphere season was nearing its end with stable trading, while the sales pace for Granny Smith apples remained slow.
In Asia, a high inventory of Fujis put downward pressure on the Taiwanese market.
In North America, better pace was seen in the U.S. market leading up to 4th of July celebrations.
In Latin America, a slight price rise was seen in the wholesale market of Santiago de Chile.
In Europe, the U.K. recorded limited volumes of greenskin varieties.
Easy Peelers
In North America, prices continued to fall in the U.S. due to increased Chilean volumes.
In Europe, low arrival rates from the Southern Hemisphere led to an undersupply in the market. In the U.K., there were some reports of skin damage for Peruvian Satsumas.
In North America, moderate sales were seen for Chilean kiwifruit on both coasts of the U.S.
In Latin America, active sales were seen in Mexico, in contrast to slow sales reported in the Brazilian market.
In Europe, better movement was registered for Chilean lots in the Netherlands, while a slight price increase set the trend in Russia.
In Asia, slower sales of Chilean supply were seen compared to New Zealand's lots in Taiwan.
In Europe, some condition problems were seen for Spanish supply on the continent.
In Asia, cold weather conditions contributed to active sales in Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
In Europe, the Moroccan season was nearing its end, while positive sales were reported for South African Navels.
In Asia, a better sales pace was seen for fruit from the U.S. compared to South African fruit in the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong.
In North America, the Southern Hemisphere season was almost over.
In Latin America, Brazil still had difficulties to import from Argentina, while improved trading was seen in Colombia despite the holiday season.
In Europe, the Southern Hemisphere season was almost over.
In North America, adequate sales were seen for Chilean Wonderful lots.
In Europe, better movement was seen for medium sizes in the Netherlands, while the Peruvian season was expected to come to a close.
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