Market Pulse Week 32 - 2012
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 32 - 2012 (Aug. 10)
In North America, active sales of Chilean Granny Smiths on the U.S. East Coast were in contrast to a slow movement of Braeburns on the West Coast.
In Europe, rapid movement was seen for Southern Hemisphere Galas in the U.K.
In the Middle East, fast sales were reported for Chilean Gala apples in the U.A.E.
In North America, Californian supply was concentrated with bigger sizes in the U.S., with some reports of sales pressure.
In Europe, a slight increase in Kenyan arrivals affected sales in the U.K.
In Latin America, the Chilean market remained stable.
Easy peelers
In North America, the poor condition of the Chilean supply slowed down sales pace in the U.S.
In Europe, the market remained stable in general.
In North America, sales were slow for Chilean volumes with the transition from conventional to controlled atmosphere storage on both coasts of the U.S.
In Latin America, a truck strike in Brazil led to the slow movement of Chilean lots.
In Europe, active sales were recorded for both Chilean and New Zealand kiwifruit in the Netherlands and the U.K. In Russia, lower demand led to slower sales in Moscow.
In North America, Mexican supply continued to arrive in the U.S. market with limited volumes.
In Europe, positive sales were seen in the U.K. and the Netherlands, while a moderate level of trade was seen in Russia.
In Asia, high inventories continued to put sales under pressure in Japan.
In North America, a faster rotation was seen for South African fruit compared to other suppliers in the U.S.
In Europe, slowed sales were seen for Peruvian Salustiana oranges in the Netherlands. An increased interest in Valencia oranges led to better sales in Russia.
In the Middle East, sales were reported as adequate for South African Navel and Valencia oranges.
In Europe, good sales continued for South African Forelle pears in the U.K., while the last Argentine D'Anjou volumes were cleared in Russia.
In Latin America, import problems from Argentina and domestic distribution issues led to compromised volumes in Brazil.
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