Taiwanese technology could speed up virus testing in bananas, potatoes

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Taiwanese technology could speed up virus testing in bananas, potatoes

Taiwanese researchers have developed a biotech chip that is expected to drastically reduce testing times for disease detection in several crops, including global staples bananas and potatoes.

Chang Chin-an. Photo: Central News Agency.

Chang Chin-an. Photo: Central News Agency.

Website Focustaiwan.tw reported the chip, developed by Chaoyang University of Technology and Dr. Chip Biotech Inc., can test diseases simultaneously instead of the traditional five-hour process to check one virus at a time.

Chaoyang University of Technology professor and co-developer Chang Chin-an, told the publication around US$200 million was spent worldwide each year to test for banana and potato viruses by conventional means.

He said using biochips could cut testing costs in half, with expectations sales of the product will reach TWD200-300 million (US$6.76-10.14 million) in 2014.

Dr. Chip Biotech president Wang Shin-hwan told the publication the chip met the test standards of the European Union and that a feasibility study was complete.

Representatives from Taiwan's National Science Council (NSC) told website Taiwantoday.tw the product could test for banana bunchy top virus, banana bract mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, potato virus A, potato virus Y, potato virus S, potato virus M and potato virus X.


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