Citrosol highlights measures to reduce citrus losses

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Citrosol highlights measures to reduce citrus losses

Spain's citrus sector faces a number of threats that could compromise output, according to postharvest treatment specialist Citrosol. orange2_square

Starting with summer hail storms in Valencia, citrus production remains under pressure. Citrosol expressed concern over poor prices, inclement weather and the threat of introducing citrus greening into Spanish production areas.

"Given such challenges, the importance of having an effective postharvest fruit treatment system to ensure that all citrus harvested is free of pathogenic microorganisms and other contaminants becomes of crucial importance to the long-term well-being of citrus growers and packers," Citrosol said in a press release.

As Fruit Logistica in Berlin next week, Citrosol will be promoting the Zero Spill System as a tool to alleviate citrus production concerns.

"What makes the system innovative is that it maintains the effectiveness of its fungicide treatment, unaltered, from the start to the end of every season and can be used multiple times without losing its ability to eliminate mould and fungus," the company said.

"This is achieved through the use of a new dosage system that is consistently effective in eliminating the causes of decay from harvested citrus fruit, while it also includes other innovations designed to remove mud, stones and other waste from crops."

Solutions for pepper production

Regarding post-harvest losses for peppers, Citrosol highlighted methods to treat fungi or bacterial infection to avoid rot and decay.

To improve shelf life, the company suggested the Citrocide® PC P System. Applicatio during post-harvest treament could significantly eliminate bacterial contamination, the company said.

"In fact, Citrosol’s own laboratory tests have found that the system is 100% effective for up to seven days and 95% effective for as many as 11 days," the company said.


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