IG International aims to double Chilean cherry sales in India

India's leading importer of Chilean cherries has set a 100% sales growth target for the fruit this season, with sales set to rise to INR120 million (US$1.89 million).
The amount would still only represent a tiny fraction of the South American country's total crop, but IG International sees strong potential for the nascent Indian cherry market.
The company estimates around 100 metric tons (MT) of cherries go to the Indian market each year, with 65% of supply coming from Chile and the rest hailing from the U.S., Europe and Turkey.
"We are witnessing robust growth in the demand for Chilean cherries in India as more and more Indian consumers discover their exquisite quality and rich flavour," IG International director Tarun Arora said in a release.
The company highlighted the infrastructural bottlenecks that had hindered growth for high-end fruit were being addressed slowly, while IG itself had set up its own specialized storage, handling and transport system for cherries.
Through this system, IG monitors temperature and fruit condition on an hourly basis to ensure the freshest fruit reaches consumers.
The company markets Chilean cherries in association with Dole, which it said ensured only the best cherries were selected, with a profile that was "soft, plump and juicy" with deep, ruby skin and flesh.
"Chilean cherries are witnessing growing global demand as they are rich in nutrition, low in calories and contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that satisfy hunger and ward off several chronic diseases and conditions," the company said.
IG spreads its wings with dragon fruit initiative
The company added it was also launching dragon fruit sales, with the tropical superfood coming from Vietnam and India.
IG highlighted the fruit, also known as pitahaya, had been labeled as the "Wonder Fruit of the 21st Century".
"This exotic product of nature is one of the best choices in fruit and with its availability in leading retail and grocery stores, Indian consumers can now enjoy this wonderful tropical fruit," said IG International director Sanjay Arora.
Like cherries, dragon fruit carry a range of health benefits for consumers.
"Dragon fruit is an exotic and delicious fruit and is widely promoted throughout the world for health benefits, including its ability to lower cholesterol, boost the immune system, prevent cancer and heart disease, aid weight loss, improve digestion, boost energy, defend against bacteria and fungi, and help in the overall functioning of human body system," the company said in the release.
IG International sources fruit from 20 countries, handled by subsidiary IG Supply Chain which has a temperature-controlled warehouse capacity for 25,000 pallets with facilities in Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Jaipur and Amravati, as well as a fleet of 50 refrigerated trucks.
The company brought 30,000MT worth of fruit into India during the 2014 financial year, ranging from apples to kiwifruit, oranges to plums, and pears to sweet tamarinds.
Photo: www.shutterstock.com