Peruvian mango crop conditions "prudent" despite El Niño , says APEM

Peruvian mango growers will soon have a better idea of expectations for the 2015-16 season, with a key industry body hopeful for the onset of good flowering levels in a couple of weeks' time.
Following a 2014-15 campaign that was severely impacted by weather effects caused by El Niño, Peruvian Association of Mango Producers and Exporters (APEM) general manager Juan Carlos Rivera does not see too much danger for the upcoming crop.
"Until now there is nothing that has alarmed us. This is a warm winter and it is known that there won't be record flowering, however we trust that there will be flowering, production and exports of the fruit," Rivera told
"We still don't have an approximate estimate. When they sprout flowers we will be able to go to the fields and see whether production is small or medium, and so on.
"The truth is that weather plays an important role in the flowering stage and we are expecting to make the efforts so that there is flowering...what we have is a recommendation for floral induction. Growers are being asked to carry out this process because as the winter is warm, they will probably need induction to ensure the campaign."
He said conditions until now had been "more or less prudent" for the trees.
"There would have to be an extraordinary level [of the weather phenomenon] for us to say production will be low...and we are not at that stage yet."