U.S.: 2016-17 Florida orange forecast continues to fall

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has further reduced its production forecast for Florida's orange 2016-17 season, as the industry continues to be plagued by citrus greening disease.
The USDA's Agricultural Statistics Board pegged the Sunshine State's all orange forecast at 70 million boxes, or 3.15 million metric tons (MT) - putting it 1% down from January and 14% down from last season.
"Early, midseason, and Navel varieties in Florida are forecast at 35.0 million boxes (1.58 million tons), down 3 percent from last month and down 3 percent from last season's final utilization," the organization said in a report approved on Feb. 9.
The Valencia orange forecast remains unchanged from last month at 35 million boxes, but is still down 23% from the 2015-16 season.
The state's frozen concentrated orange juice yield forecast for this campaign is 1.43 gallons per box at 42.0 degrees Brix, which is down 1% from last month but up by a percentage point on the previous season.
"The early and midseason portion is projected at 1.34 gallons per box, down 1 percent from last month and down 1 percent from
last season's final yield of 1.35 gallons per box," it said.
"The Valencia portion is projected at 1.54 gallons per box, unchanged from last month, but up 5 percent from last year's final yield of 1.47 gallons per box.
"All projections of yield assume the processing relationships this season will be similar to those of the past several seasons."
Meanwhile, the Florida grapefruit crop forecast has held steady at 9 million boxes.
Florida Department of Citrus executive director Shannon Shepp said: "[This] forecast reflects a true utilization of early, mid-season, and Navel varieties. We hope for higher numbers of Valencia production as we continue through the second half of the season."
The USDA's California orange crop forecast remains unchanged from last month at 53 million boxes in total.
Photo: www.shutterstock.com