Peru reinforces its commercial role in Asia by being partner country at Asia Fruit Logistica

Hong Kong – Peru reinforced its position as key commercial partner for the Asian markets with a delegation of more than 250 professionals at Asia Fruit Logistica. Peru is this year’s partner country at the most important fresh produce trade show for the continent, Asia Fruit Logistica, which opened its doors today with a very special inaugural event.
The opening ceremony was held at the Peruvian stand where the country’s delegation led by PROMPERU’s Export Director, Mario Ocharan, played a hosting role.
“The history of this trade show is linked with Peru since the very beginning. Being the partner country now is a historic moment and the result of the efforts made by both sides”, said Asia Fruit Logistica’s Commercial Director, Wilfried Woolbold at the press conference that took place prior to the fair.
The Peruvian ambassador in China, Luis Quesada, as well as the Executive Director at the Association of Peruvian Agricultural Guilds (AGAP), Gabriel Amaro, were some of the personalities who also took part in the opening ceremony.
During the last 30 years, the private and public sectors in Peru have worked together to bring the country to lead the international export rankings in categories such as asparagus, quinoa, avocadoes, blueberries and mandarins, amongst others.
“We’ve been working with China since 2009 under the Free Trade Agreement, but we’ve also made progress with new protocols for very important products for Peru in terms of produced volumes. Pomegranates and quinoa will be the next Peruvian products to reach this market”, declared Mario Ocharan from PROMPERÚ.
Peru is also well-known as the origin for foods rich in nutrients and antioxidants, a competitive advantage that the country will continue to promote at a worldwide level with the Super Foods Peru campaign. This successful case study, an example of how a country can manage to
consolidate itself as trusted commercial partner, was presented at the conference stage Asiafruit Business Forum, also taking place at the trade show.
During a presentation titled ‘From Peru to the world: producer spotlight’, Mario Ocharan, together with Carlos Zamorano, Managing Director at Provid, and Sergio del Castillo, Managing Director at Procitrus, explained the path that took them to their current success. However, the country is on the lookout for new opportunities “beyond China” and markets such as Singapore, Indonesia or Malaysia could be next on their target.
The promotion of the Peruvian foods in Asia also included the 1st of September being declared as Peru’s Day at the International Horticultural Exhibition (Expo Beijing 2019). This commemoratory day was the result of the collaboration between PROMPERU and the Potato International Centre.
During her inaugural speech, the Peruvian vice-president, Mercedes Aráoz, stressed the many historical, cultural and commercial bonds that exist between Peru and China, with the cultural exchange of ideas, the undeniable Chinese influence in the Peruvian gastronomy or the Free Trade Agreement which celebrates this year the 10th anniversary from its signature, as some of the main highlights.
During the day, visitors to the exhibition could also taste some of their original potato varieties - the country has more than 3,000 different potatoes – as well as other traditional Peruvian products such as quinoa, maca, blueberries, chestnuts or pomegranates. All these
authentic products were displayed under the Super Foods Peru brand. Likewise, a special venue was created for visitors to taste a variety of Peruvian premium coffees under the new brand ‘Coffees from Peru’.
The event was also supported by the Chinese authorities and counted with the participation of Expo Beijing 2019’s General Commissioner, Chen Zhou; the President of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tang Huajun; or the General Vice-Secretary of the Popular Government of Beijing, Bei Chen.
The Super Foods Peru campaign will include an array of activities in China this year. Besides Asia Fruit Logistica and Expo Beijing 2019, the country will also participate in the China International Import Exposition (CIIE) in Shanghai and the China Fisheries and Seafood Expo in