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Limoneira expands into South Africa

U.S. group Limoneira has launched a South African company, in a partnership called Real Citrus with Re:inc.
April 12 , 2016

U.K.: Grow your own cucamelons with new Waitrose plant for the home

A home-grown fruit that looks like a grape-sized watermelon but tastes like a cucumber has been launched at high-end British grocer Waitrose.
April 12 , 2016

Peru: Vanguard International buys Challapampa

Washington State-based Vanguard has purchased one of Peru's leading growers of grapes, citrus and pomegranates.
April 12 , 2016

The Hass Horn: Explaining North America's depressed avocado prices

While volumes have risen and periodic market crashes can occur, Avi Crane believes the existence of avocados is a matter of "Devine intervention".
April 12 , 2016

South African organic lemon growers suspend exports to Europe

South African citrus producers have again made a tough decision in order to mitigate the risk of losing their foothold in Europe.
April 12 , 2016

Fresh acquisition makes Wonderful Citrus leading lime grower in Mexico

The largest integrated grower-shipper of citrus in the U.S. has made acquisitions in Texas and Mexico to bolster its lime operations.
April 12 , 2016

U.S.: APHIS looks to streamline phytosanitary rule process

April 11 , 2016

USDA requests comment on South African avocado assessment

April 11 , 2016

Indian-German grape partnership paves route to Europe

April 11 , 2016

South Africa's farmers take flight at drone school

April 11 , 2016