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New Zealand wins bid to host next World Avocado Congress

The Mexican delegation may have made the most noise, but in the end it was the Oceanic island nation that won the biggest share of the vote that took place as the 2019 edition wrapped up in Colombia.
September 26 , 2019

In photos: World Avocado Congress gets underway in Colombia

The inaugural day of the event taking place in Medellin this week has drawn a huge international crowd amid a strong sense of optimism in the South American country for its future in the avocado business.
September 25 , 2019

Mission Produce announces "staggering" growth plans in Colombia

The company provides specifics on how many more hectares it plans to plant in Colombia, where it expects its production will ramp up over the next two years.
September 16 , 2019

An "unprecedented catastrophe": Spanish crops destroyed covering more than 300,000ha

The agricultural losses from what is considered to be the worst storm to hit eastern Spain in more than a century are expected to top €100 million in the region of Valencia alone. Citrus, table grapes and vegetables are among the hardest hit.
September 16 , 2019

U.S.: Online grocery sales have grown by 15% this year

Several factors are driving the growth of the US online grocery market in 2019, including a rise in household penetration and order values.
September 14 , 2019

Chile downgrades mandarin export forecast

Chile is now anticipating a 9% year-on-year drop in total citrus exports, amid expectations for a double-digit year-on-year export drop in three categories.
September 03 , 2019

Florida: Hurricane timing "about as bad as it could be" for citrus growers

"It seems we just can’t catch a break from Mother Nature," says a representative of the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association as Hurricane Dorian approaches.
August 30 , 2019

Which fruits stand to benefit most from U.S.-Japan trade deal?

Many important U.S. fruit exports to Japan are subject to high tariffs that have been eliminated or are being phased out for CPTPP members. Western Growers says there will be significant export opportunities.
August 27 , 2019

U.S.: Washington blueberry grower drums up support to block 50% wage increase

If the sharp wage increase for blueberry pickers should remain intact, Zirkle Fruit pointed to two future possibilities for the industry: greater use of automation and a change in which varieties are farmed.
August 27 , 2019

U.S. Hass avocado imports rise 20% in H1

From January through June this year, imports from Mexico rose 16%, while from Peru they tripled. And while volumes from Colombia remain very small, they have shown a sharp increase since trade began in 2017.
August 26 , 2019