Chilean govt releases official frost damage estimates

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Chilean govt releases official frost damage estimates

Frost damages will lead to a year-on-year export decline of 22% for Chile's fruit industry, according to results from a comprehensive survey released by the country's Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI). almendras_69616393 panorama

The survey concluded that the weather phenomenon would lead to a US$823 million decline in exports, representing 62 million cartons of fresh fruit. In turn, grower returns are expected to drop by US$411 million.

Please visit our Frostschile2013 tag page for more information on this market-changing issue.

Agriculture Minister Luis Mayol and Office of Agricultural Research and Policy (ODEPA) director Gustavo Rojas presented the results today, which showed kiwifruit and almonds would be the horticultural goods most affected, at rates of 60% and 50% respectively.

Authorities also estimated that the wine industry would have a US$60 million decline in income, with Chardonnay the most affected at 35%.

"I've always said that you have to have patience to know the real results, that you can't overreact, and with this survey we are getting very close to concrete figures," Mayol said in a release.

He added that the frosts did not have a large effect on prices today, but the impacts would be felt for some products in December.

The cadastre involved 52,442 producers and was conducted by the ODEPA.




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