U.S. pear grower kicks off season with 'big, clean' fruit

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U.S. pear grower kicks off season with 'big, clean' fruit

The U.S. Northwest 2014 pear season is underway as a Washington State-based grower harvests its first variety and looks to boost sales with a promotion appealing to younger consumers. peras-amarillas_37754788 sq

Oneonta Starr Ranch GrowersĀ began picking its Bartlett pears in early August and the fruit is said to be very clean and of a desirable sizing.

"[They are] big, green and clean, and they look great," said marketing director Scott Marboe in a release.

"There's not much in the way of small fruit, but a very strong market for cannery will keep a stable price floor."

Marboe said most of the Bartletts are size 90 and larger, with the number referring to how many fruit fit into a packing box.

He added that other varieties like Red Anjous and Starkrimson were also shaping up well and harvest was due to begin in the next few days.

"There is excellent color at this time of year, and we should start on the Starkrimsons about Aug. 11, then sail right along with the other varieties in a timely manner," Marboe said.

Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers also grows, ships and markets Bosc, Forelle, Cowmice, Seckel, Asian and Red Sensation pears, which are sold with the 'Diamond Starr Growers' label.

Bartletts, Starkrimsons and Red Sensations are the first varieties available and run through December. They are followed by Seckels, Comice and Asians during the winter months, and finally Red and Green Anjous typically ship from late summer or early fall into the next summer.

The pears are also being sold with child-friendly illustrations on packaging and cards featuring information on different varieties, health tips, and eating suggestions.

Photo: www.shutterstock.com


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