Most citrus categories to see record global production in 2021-22

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Most citrus categories to see record global production in 2021-22

Mandarins, grapefruit, and lemons/limes are all set to see record production during the 2021-22 season while oranges are expected to recover from their dip in the last two years. 

A bi-annual USDA report on world citrus markets said that global mandarin production is estimated up 2.8 million tons to a record 37.9 million with growth in China expected to more than offset declines in the United States and European Union. Consumption and exports are both at record highs.

Production and consumption have been trending higher for more than 20 years on growth from China, the EU, Morocco, and Turkey.

Meanwhile, lemon/lime production is forecast up 4 percent to a record 9.5 million tons due to higher production in Mexico, Turkey, and the United States. With
higher available supplies, record global consumption and exports are expected.

Fruit for processing, however, is down on lower production in Argentina and the European Union.


Grapefruit production in 2021-22 is forecast up 4 percent to a record 7.0 million tons due to favorable weather and expanded area in China and Mexico.

Consumption is forecast at a record high with record supplies, and exports are expected to rebound.

Global orange production is estimated up 1.4 million tons from the previous year to 48.8 million as favorable weather leads to larger crops in Brazil, Mexico, and Turkey.

These gains for the citrus category more than offset lower production in Egypt, the European Union, and the United States. Most of the higher production is expected to go into fruit for processing.


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