Producer seeks Aconex bankruptcy

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Producer seeks Aconex bankruptcy

Chilean company Agrocomercial Ampudran requested bankruptcy charges against embattled fruit business Exportadora Aconcagua (Aconex) on Mar. 7, newspaper La Segunda reported.

Agrocomercial Amudran's lawyer Alejandro Espina said the business had pending bills from Aconex worth US$144,000 (70 million pesos) for fruit it sold overseas, with delayed payments dating back to August, the story reported.

Under Chilean law, once Aconex was given notification of the bankruptcy solicitation to the 20th Civil Court of Santiago, it had 15 days to respond to Agrocomercial Amudran's demands.

The legal action comes after the same court seized funds for two Aconex executives.

Related story: Funds seized for Chilean fruit exporter


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