Brazilian grape season looks promising

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Brazilian grape season looks promising

Grape farmers in the Brazilian state of São Paulo are optimistic about the upcoming harvest, describing the fruit as more beautiful than last year, website reported.

Harvests in Ribeirão Preto in the north east of São Paulo, have got off to a good start with high quality fruit.

Grower Valter Koba described weather conditions of some rain, warm days and cooler nights as perfect.

Farmer Hideko Vakani said great care should be taken when picking the grapes so as not to destroy the fine waxy surface that protects them.

Yields are expected to be good.

For example, five hectares devoted to growing Niagara grapes in a farm in Taiaçú, Ribeirão Preto, are expected to deliver high yields of 30 metric tons (MT).

The Ribeirão Preto grape harvest continues until the beginning of January.

However, iQonsulting estimates Brazil's export shipments this season will drop 7% to 56,400 MT due to high production costs and an unfavorable exchange rate.

Related stories: Grape exports around the corner for Brazil, Peru

Southern Hemisphere grape exports to rise in 2011-12


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