Rural Mexico faces 'deepest crisis in 40 years'

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Rural Mexico faces 'deepest crisis in 40 years'

Rural Mexico is now facing its 'deepest crisis in 40 years' due to market and weather factors, with a lack of will from the government to alleviate poverty, website reported.

Agricultural market consultant Roberto Delgado Gallegos told the publication there were several factors holding rural Mexico back, such as insufficient inputs and scare credit, the story reported.

He said other factors included inadequate and outdated storing infrastructure, official standardization systems that were not fully met, legal uncertainty, as well as alarming levels of deforestation, erosion and salinization, the story reported.

He also pointed to high illiteracy rates in rural areas with the average person holding just 3.1 years of primary school education, while a 2008 study showed 81% of rural Mexicans lived below the poverty line.

The story reported Mexico's strategic plans were not as well-structured as many of its Latin American counterparts, such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Costa Rica.


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