Hail storms fuel fruit fears in Argentina

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Hail storms fuel fruit fears in Argentina

Farmers in Argentina's Mendoza province are assessing damages to their peach, plum, cherry and pear orchards following severe hail storms last Thursday, website Mdzol.com reported.

Valle de Uco, Santa Rosa and Colonia Las Rosas were particularly badly hit with reports of two centimeter (0.8 inches) hail stones hitting farmland.

Local authority communications head at Valle de Uco, Fabio Miranda told the website it was still difficult to quantify the full effect of the storm.

"The production of pears and apples in the zone of La Argentina street and Route 92 in Colonia Las Rosas, was most affected," he was quoted as saying.

Local farmers experienced severe wind gusts immediately before the dry hail storm, which lasted for just 10 minutes.

Other parts of the provinces affected included Los Sauces, el Paraje La Pintada and San Rafael, the story reported.

Municipal authorities gave mattresses and clothing to people whose homes were most affected by the storm.

Photo: Zimbop.com


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