US: New deep red strawberry launched at horticulture show

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US: New deep red strawberry launched at horticulture show

A new strawberry cultivar with an intense color is being launched  at the U.S. Philadelphia International Flower Show.

Cornell University's Purple Wonder variety is making its debut appearance this week through an exclusive licensing agreement with seed giant W. Atlee Burpee Co.

The university's small fruits breeder and associate professor of horticulture Courtney Weber, described the cultivar as having an outstanding strawberry flavor.

"Purple Wonder is sweet and aromatic, but the color is something you won’t be able to find in any grocery store."

The medium-sized berries rewards patience in picking and berries turn from creamy-white to red before ripening into an intense burgundy.

"The color develops all the way through the fruit, which might surprise consumers accustomed to supermarket fruit with color mostly on the surface," said Weber.

The high antioxidant berries and their purple juice can also be used to produce deep-colored preserves and strawberry wine.

The Cornell Center for Technology Enterprise and Commercialization said a plant patent will be filed for Purple Wonder later this year.

Purple Wonder is the 42nd strawberry variety released by the Cornell Center small fruits breeding program.

Other recent releases include the Herriot strawberry, a high-yielding midseason variety, and the Crimson Giant raspberry, suitable for high-tunnel cropping systems and November harvest.

Photo: Cornell University

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